Summer 2016 – Karen Schloss

cats on lapsAt the beginning of May, Karen Schloss (LEL) traveled to St. Pete Beach, Florida to present at the Annual Meeting of the Vision Sciences Society (VSS). She followed that up with packing up her home and entire family including her husband, Joe Austerweil (Psychology), her mom, and her two cats and moving to Madison, WI to start her new position with the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery and the Psychology Department. She then traveled to Barcelona, Spain where she spoke at the European Conference on Visual Perception. Continuing her travels, Schloss will also travel to England and Germany where she is speaking at the Colour in Mind – From Perception to Art conference this fall.

In her own words: “At VSS we had our first meeting of FoVea (Females of Vision et al.), a new group I helped form to encourage the advancement of women at vision science. It was a great success! During our road trip (to Madison), the cats cuddled with us in the front two seats, one on me and one on Joe (here is a picture to document the cuteness).”

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