Text Analysis Workshop
Practical Introduction to Text Analysis using Python. Join this recently developed Carpentries workshop for a practical Introduction to Text Analysis, designed for those with Python experience (how to create functions, for loops, conditional logic, use the pandas library, etc.). The workshop covers Natural Language Processing (NLP) basics, API usage, data preparation, document/word embeddings, topic modeling, Word2Vec, Transformer models using Hugging Face, and ethical considerations. CONTACT: facilitator@datascience.wisc.edu URL: https://uw-madison-datascience.github.io/2024-03-26-uwmadison-textanalysis/
WID Seminar Series
Orchard View Room 3280, Discovery BuildingResilience, Robustness and Adaptability. Wisconsin Institute for Discovery's second year exploring resilience, robustness and adaptability in complex systems through faculty and guest seminars.