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Viva Hispanic Heritage Month. Join us for the “Celebrating Latinx voices in STEAM” symposium on Wednesday October 9 2024 (4-7pm CT) in the DeLuca forum in the Discovery Building. Featuring keynote speaker Mexican-American interdisciplinary artist and educator Christie Tirado and music with DJ Papi. Light refreshments will be served. CONTACT: 316-4511, lredeagle@wisc.edu URL: https://solislemuslab.github.io/latinx-uwmadison/
Learn time-honored techniques at a workshop on traditional Menominee basket weaving led by Sherri LaChapelle-Corn (Pitapanukiw).This hands-on experience delves into the cultural significance of basketry, highlighting its role in preserving Menominee heritage. Additionally, gain insight into the ecological challenges posed by the emerald ash borer insect, which threatens the very materials essential to this craft. Discover the importance of sustaining these practices and the efforts to protect and rejuvenate the resources vital to Menominee culture.Before and after the workshop, stop by the interactive gallery at the Discovery Building featuring intricate woven works of art created by workshop host Sherri LaChapelle-Corn (Pitapanukiw).REGISTRATION [...]
Glenda Gillaspy (UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences) moderates a lively panel discussion.This engaging panel discussion will take a deeper look into the innovation and tradition of Wisconsin agriculture and the opportunities and challenges we face at the leading edge of sustainable systems. Moderated by Dr. Glenda Gillaspy, Dean of UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and featuring researchers who are helping establish Wisconsin as the leader in agricultural advancement and innovation.Panelists:Dr. Julie Dawson - Professor in the UW-Madison Department of Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences and Extension Specialist for Regional Food Systems. Research and extension interests include plant breeding [...]
Discovery Building
330 N. Orchard Street
Madison, WI 53715
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