WID Seminar Series

Orchard View Room 3280, Discovery Building (Also offered online)

Resilience, Robustness & Adaptability. John Yin: Persistent change: Lessons from the growth and spread of viruses David Baum: The evolutionary origins of resilience, robustness and adaptability Every month, WID presents a seminar in which two faculty or their delegates will present their research and how it connects with the WID …

WID Seminar Series

Orchard View Room 3280, Discovery Building (Also offered online)

Alberto del Pia and Sarah Miller will present their research and how it connects with the WID theme of Resilience, Robustness, and Adaptability.

WID Seminar Series: Shaoqin "Sarah" Gong and Krishanu Saha

Orchard View Room 3280, Discovery Building (Also offered online)

Every month, WID presents a seminar in which two faculty or their delegates will present their research and how it connects with the WID theme of Resilience, Robustness, and Adaptability.

WID Seminar Series- Claudia Solís-Lemus and Kushin Mukherjee

Orchard View Room 3280, Discovery Building (Also offered online)

Every month, WID presents a seminar in which two faculty or their delegates will present their research and how it connects with the WID theme of Resilience, Robustness, and Adaptability.