The WID Grand Challenge

What is a Grand Challenge?
Grand challenges represent bold, seemingly unattainable goals that inspire multi-sector collaboration, push the boundaries of innovation, and address critical societal issues. Historically, these have included groundbreaking endeavors like the first trans-Atlantic flight in 1927, the Green Revolution, and rapid development of a vaccine to combat the COVID pandemic. These endeavors unite communities around a common purpose and often generate collaboration among sectors. Finally, grand challenges can demonstrate the significant role of academic research in addressing society’s most pressing issues, an important consideration in the current research climate.Your Content Goes Here
WID’s Grand Challenge: Healthy to 100
The Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID) is committed to the grand challenge Healthy to 100, an initiative that aims to extend the healthy life of the Earth (Healthy to 100-Earth) and its people (Healthy to 100-People). This work is predicated on exploring a research space where WID excels: the intersections of life sciences with computational modeling and AI.

Healthy to 100 Earth
The top goals of Healthy to 100—Earth are to:
- Optimize the distribution and storage of energy and
- Improve plant and soil health to increase carbon sequestration.

Healthy to 100 People
The top goals of Healthy to 100—People are to:
- Combine AI and “Big Data” (-omics, health assessments, and intervention outcomes) to generate new ways to define, assess, and improve human health;
- Use new computational methods to understand how life experiences are encoded in the human genome;
- Unite -omics with mechanistic studies to understand the role of the human microbiome in depression and well-being;
- Identify protective characteristics of the human virome that may help prevent future pandemics.
Why is WID positioned to take on this Grand Challenge?
The mission of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery is to serve as an experiment in interdisciplinary research that acts as a hub for generating new ideas on the UW-Madison campus. With experts from 17 UW–Madison departments in life sciences, human health, agriculture, engineering, computer sciences, biostatistics, and psychology, WID has the broad expertise of collaborative scientists to tackle Healthy to 100 and generate novel solutions to global problems.
What is a Grand Challenge?
Grand challenges represent bold, seemingly unattainable goals that inspire multi-sector collaboration, push the boundaries of innovation, and address critical societal issues. Historically, these have included groundbreaking endeavors like the first trans-Atlantic flight in 1927, the Green Revolution, and rapid development of a vaccine to combat the COVID pandemic. These endeavors unite communities around a common purpose and often generate collaboration among sectors. Finally, grand challenges can demonstrate the significant role of academic research in addressing society’s most pressing issues, an important consideration in the current research climate.
WID’s Grand Challenge: Healthy to 100
The Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID) is committed to the grand challenge Healthy to 100, an initiative that aims to extend the healthy life of the Earth (Healthy to 100-Earth) and its people (Healthy to 100-People). This work is predicated on exploring a research space where WID excels: the intersections of life sciences with computational modeling and AI.
Healthy to 100 Earth
The top goals of Healthy to 100—Earth are to:
- Optimize the distribution and storage of energy and
- Improve plant and soil health to increase carbon sequestration.
Healthy to 100 People
The top goals of Healthy to 100—People are to:
- Combine AI and “Big Data” (-omics, health assessments, and intervention outcomes) to generate new ways to define, assess, and improve human health;
- Use new computational methods to understand how life experiences are encoded in the human genome;
- Unite -omics with mechanistic studies to understand the role of the human microbiome in depression and well-being;
- Identify protective characteristics of the human virome that may help prevent future pandemics.
Why is WID positioned to take on this Grand Challenge?
The mission of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery is to serve as an experiment in interdisciplinary research that acts as a hub for generating new ideas on the UW-Madison campus. With experts from 17 UW–Madison departments in life sciences, human health, agriculture, engineering, computer sciences, biostatistics, and psychology, WID has the broad expertise of collaborative scientists to tackle Healthy to 100 and generate novel solutions to global problems.