Morgan Ramsey

As a passionate advocate for bridging science and society, I am dedicated to continuously strengthening my understanding of Global Health and Life Sciences Communication here at UW Madison. Committed to furthering WID’s mission and values, I focus on strategic, science-driven communications, creative media, and innovative design. Outside of school and work, I love going for runs on the bike trails here in Madison, writing letters to pen pals, and spending time with friends and family!

Communications Intern


Location: 330 North Orchard Street, Room 2110
Hometown: Burlington, WI
BS, Global Health & Life Sciences Communication, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Certificates in Digital Studies, Digital Media Analytics, & Sustainability


Advancing WID's vision through science-driven communications, creative media, and innovative design

As a passionate advocate for bridging science and society, I am dedicated to continuously strengthening my understanding of Global Health and Life Sciences Communication here at UW Madison. Committed to furthering WID’s mission and values, I focus on strategic, science-driven communications, creative media, and innovative design. Outside of school and work, I love going for runs on the bike trails here in Madison, writing letters to pen pals, and spending time with friends and family!