WID’s research portfolio extends into certain social sciences, including projects at the intersection of machine learning, human cognition, and education, research in vision science and visualization, and examination of the psychophysical effects of virtual reality.

Timothy Rogers wins 2025 Elman Prize


Cognitive Science Society is pleased to award the 2025 Jeffrey L. Elman Prize for Scientific Achievement and Community Building to Timothy Rogers. This award, presented each year at the Annual Meeting, is given to mid-career cognitive scientists (individuals or teams) whose accomplishments exemplify the twin strands of scientific excellence and commitment to community-building and service that were so evident in Jeff Elman’s career.

Timothy Rogers wins 2025 Elman Prize2025-02-27T08:49:31-06:00

Researchers use virtual reality to demonstrate effectiveness of 3D visualization as a learning tool


Researchers from the Neuroimaging Center at NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) and Dr. Karen Schloss from Wisconsin Institute for the Discovery at University Wisconsin-Madison have developed the UW Virtual Brain Project, producing unique, interactive, 3D narrated diagrams to help students learn about the structure and function of perceptual systems in the human brain.

Researchers use virtual reality to demonstrate effectiveness of 3D visualization as a learning tool2025-02-17T15:49:34-06:00
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