Karen Schloss earns promotion to Associate Professor
WID congratulates Dr. Karen Schloss on earning tenure in the Psychology Department. She joined WID in 2016 and is a member of the Vision Sciences Society, Phychonomic Society, Females of Vision, et al. (FoVea), and Women in Cognitive Science. Among her collaborative endeavors is the UW Virtual Brain Project™ which immerse people in a model of the brain based on real brain scans, allowing them to follow the path from sensory input to cortex via virtual reality.
Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, McPherson Eye Research Institute
Color cognition, color preferences, visual reasoning, information visualization
The Schloss Visual Reasoning Lab aims to understand how people use visual reasoning for visual communication. They study how people form associations between visual features (e.g., color, shape) and concepts, and how they use those associations to interpret meanings of visual features in information visualizations (e.g., graphs, maps, diagrams, signs). The lab also investigates how to increase engagement in science through immersive experiences in scientific visualizations using virtual reality. Our work can be translated to making visual communication more effective and efficient.