Indigenous Art: Reclaiming Space, Reclaiming Stories Opening Reception

Discovery Building 330 North Orchard Street, Madison

Join us for Native November Art Gallery Opening on Nov 1, 6:30-8 PM at Hub Central. Art, food, and music celebrating Indigenous voices!You're Invited: Native November Art Gallery OpeningJoin us on November 1, 2024, for a groundbreaking celebration at Hub Central, First Floor of the Discovery Building, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.Meet the ArtistsEnjoy Food and Non-Alcoholic RefreshmentsFree Admission – RSVP EncouragedThis year, Native November kicks off with a public art gallery opening, featuring incredible student art, live music, and delicious food. Indigenous students across UW have created culturally informed art as part of their mental health and wellness journeys, and [...]

Reclaiming Space, Reclaiming Stories

Hub Central, Discovery Building

Native November Indigenous Art Gallery Opening. As part of Native November, this gallery opening features 11 student-created art pieces that explore how Indigenous students across UW–Madison have found grounding and purpose through culturally informed art to enhance their mental health practices. By sharing their work, these students are indigenizing space on campus, celebrating their heritage, and inviting the larger UW and public community to engage with the powerful connection between culture and mental well-being. CONTACT: URL: