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  • Dr. Kris Saha works with CRISPR technology in his laboratory (Photo from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UW–Madison)

Science is Global: Building Bridges with Dr. Kris Saha

Speaking to the Global Health Institute at UW–Madison, Saha notes, "Both locally and abroad, my sense is there are unknown questions we’re asking, and there’s a mutual interest in being able to solve them for advancing healthcare. The role of a public university is to try to answer those questions for public benefit and, yes, to help make a company that can produce it in a sustainable and safe way – to get that impact and employ people in the process."

Honoring a Legacy: Morgan Ramsey Receives the Brian Howell Memorial Scholarship

Morgan Ramsey, a Wisconsin Institute for Discovery intern for Communications and Multimedia, was awarded the Brian Howell Memorial Scholarship at Madison Magazine’s Best of Business Awards Luncheon on February 20, 2025. This award, established in honor of Madison Magazine Editor Brian Howell, recognizes outstanding students in Life Sciences Communication.

Co-Zorbing: The New Frontier in Bacterial Cooperation

In a recent study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers discovered that biofilms made of a specific type of bacterium, Flavobacterium johnsoniae, can form 3-D structures called Zorbs that are capable of moving. Not only do these structures move, but researcher, Shruthi Magesh, from the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery have also found that they can transport other species of bacteria by forming tri-zorbs.