Mengze (Lakes) Tang

  • Undergraduate Student

Test the performance of neural networks on simulated genetic data.

Joseph Shenouda

Joseph Shenouda headshot

  • Graduate Student

Mathematics of data science and machine learning

Daniel Ajuzie

  • Graduate Student

Computational modeling of bacterial iron homeostasis and oxidative stress response

Jeongyeol Kwon

Jeongyeol Kwon headshot

  • Postdoctoral Associate

Inference and decision-making with missing or unobserved information.

Ivette Colón

Ivette Colón headshot

  • Graduate Student

Encoding of social and visual concepts in the brain and in deep learning models of human cognition

Elias DeVoe

Elias DeVoe Headshot

  • Graduate Student

Network biology approaches to understanding long-term survivors of metastatic breast cancer

Josh Arnold

Campus Energy Coordinator, UW-Madison Office of Sustainability

  • WID Affiliate

Develop policy discussions to inform scenarios for moving Wisconsin to a clean energy future

Jayaraman Tharmalingam

Jayaraman Tharmalingam Headshot

  • Research Staff

Integrate computational and experimental models of host-pathogen interaction in bacterial infections

Ahmet Alacaoglu

Ahmet Alacaoglu

  • Postdoctoral Associate

Continuous optimization for machine learning, reinforcement learning and other data science problems

Christopher Endemann

Christopher Endemann

Data Science Facilitator

  • Administrative Staff

Facilitating connections and training researchers in data science.

Jeremy Johnson

  • Graduate Student

I am interested in the cross-section of algebraic geometry and data science.

Jifan Zhang

  • Graduate Student

Efficient and robust active learning that reduces data labelling costs at scale

Subhojyoti Mukherjee

  • Graduate Student

Multi-Armed Bandits and its various applications in real-life scenarios

Sarah Stevens

Sarah Stevens

Data Science Hub Director

  • Research Staff

Facilitating connections and training researchers in data science.

Michael Murrell

Michael Murrell

Assistant Professor

  • Discovery Fellow

Physics and Synthesis of Soft, Active and Biological Matter

Carla Michini

Carla Michini

Assistant Professor

  • WID Affiliate

Polyhedral methods and algorithms for combinatorial problems

Karen Schloss

Associate Professor

  • WID Faculty

Visual perception and cognition in information visualization and virtual reality.

Alberto Del Pia

Alberto Del Pia

Associate Professor

  • WID Faculty

Design of exact and approximate algorithms for mixed-integer optimization problems

Ross Tredinnick

Ross Tredinnick

Systems Programmer

  • Research Staff

Immersive visualization, 3D environment scanning, virtual reality research and development

Stephen Wright

Steve Wright

George B. Dantzig Professor of Computer Sciences

  • Discovery Fellow

Optimization algorithms with applications to data analysis and other areas.

Michael Ferris

Michael Ferris

John P. Morgridge Chair in Computer Sciences
Jacques-Louis Lions Professor of Computer Sciences
Director of Data Science Hub

  • WID Faculty

Optimization methods and data modeling for large scale problems in science, engineering and economics