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Native November Indigenous Art Gallery Opening. As part of Native November, this gallery opening features 11 student-created art pieces that explore how Indigenous students across UW–Madison have found grounding and purpose through culturally informed art to enhance their mental health practices. By sharing their work, these students are indigenizing space on campus, celebrating their heritage, and inviting the larger UW and public community to engage with the powerful connection between culture and mental well-being. CONTACT: lredeagle@wisc.edu URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/indigenous-art-reclaiming-space-reclaiming-stories-opening-reception-tickets-1031338841237
Join us for Native November Art Gallery Opening on Nov 1, 6:30-8 PM at Hub Central. Art, food, and music celebrating Indigenous voices!You're Invited: Native November Art Gallery OpeningJoin us on November 1, 2024, for a groundbreaking celebration at Hub Central, First Floor of the Discovery Building, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.Meet the ArtistsEnjoy Food and Non-Alcoholic RefreshmentsFree Admission – RSVP EncouragedThis year, Native November kicks off with a public art gallery opening, featuring incredible student art, live music, and delicious food. Indigenous students across UW have created culturally informed art as part of their mental health and wellness journeys, and [...]
ML+X: Machine Learning Beyond Traditional CS Fields. CONTACT: endemann@wisc.edu URL: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/RPM3fNhz98RzVaq3A__;!!Mak6IKo!LxsjxXXtgFEgc_E5u9evQwc7rsRhD9oqC4kpCcw7tYLIoyLWzUZTnRbqyT4I1kUZZRV_Q27gIc5KdNCZLv46nmIZzYvmL3IPA0k_Yw$ ONLINE: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/92639425571?pwd=Z0tCaWZxK0dDcWs2dm51dXZpcy9mQT09
Creating Data Dashboards with Streamlit. This workshop lesson is an introduction to making interactive data visualizations in Python. Learners will create a new environment using conda, wrangle data into the proper format using pandas library, create visualizations using the Plotly Python library, and display these visualizations and create widgets using Streamlit. URL: https://uw-madison-datascience.github.io/2024-09-25-uwmadison-mini/
Annual Symposium for Wisconsin Institute for Discovery resident working groups and affiliates. Portions open to the public.The WID 2024 Symposium, scheduled for November 13th at the Discovery Building, is a day-long event dedicated to the exploration of change in complex systems in digital and natural environments. This gathering serves as an opportunity for researchers at every career stage, to showcase their ongoing work, foster relationships, strengthen WID’s internal network, and promote collaboration in pursuit of our interdisciplinary research goals.The event will include breakfast, lightning talks, Wiley Award ceremony, lunch/workshop, poster session, music, and a celebratory reception to acknowledge our collective achievements. [...]
A series of 4 computational workshops on various topics
An introduction to machine learning in python using sklearn URL: https://uw-madison-datascience.github.io/2024-09-25-uwmadison-mini/
An introduction to machine learning in python using sklearn URL: https://uw-madison-datascience.github.io/2024-09-25-uwmadison-mini/
Can plants thrive amid the zero-gravity chaos of space? Could the stars themselves hold the recipe for life? Join Crossroads to find out!Ready to leave Earthly bounds behind? Join us for an absolutely out-of-this-world Crossroads of Ideas, where astrobiology and astrochemistry come together in cosmic fashion! Plant biologist Dr. Simon Gilroy and astrochemist Dr. Susanna Widicus Weaver are your guides for an evening of star-studded discovery, diving into everything from the surprising resilience of plants in space to the chemistry that could hint at life beyond our planet. Moderated by Eric Wilcots, this event will tackle cosmic questions like: How do [...]
AmFam is coming to campus!. AI@UW is hosting an exciting Fireside Chat with 5 guest speakers from American Family Insurance. This event is open to all students interested in data science, AI, and career insights from industry professionals. What: Fireside Chat with AmFam – Explore AI & Data Science Careers Guest speakers Zachary Rottier | Enterprise Data Science Director Jason Giesler | Senior Data Science Manager Kevin D Burke | Lead Data Scientist Olson Pokie | Data Science Manager Tekin Ender | Principal Data Scientist CONTACT: 425-766-7355, debojp@wisc.edu URL: https://forms.gle/BvpuDYLWqZJSDXAb6
Explore how trends, plans, viewpoints, projects, materials, and sounds develop. Where we are and where we might be headed in the future.How do babies develop language? How are new drugs developed? How did we go from no universe to the universe we know and love? And how does cancer develop in our bodies? How does a musician write a piece of music for himself to play? Find out as SoundWaves continues its yearlong exploration of Development: where are we now, how did we get here, and where might we go?SoundWaves combines scientific lectures about the world with live classical music performances. [...]
Discovering simplicity in complex systems at the intersection of digital and natural worlds. ONLINE: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/96326864622
Discovery Building
330 N. Orchard Street
Madison, WI 53715
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