
Symposium at WID highlights Latinx Scientists

The Wisconsin Institute for Discovery hosted the “Celebrating Latinx voices in STEM” symposium in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin Inclusion in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Oct. 5.

Genetic Symphonies: The Building Hox of Life

The Marie Christine Kohler Fellows are proud to announce the opening of the “Genetic Symphonies: The Building Hox of Life” exhibit, currently located at the UW–Madison Genetics Department. Graduate students Katharine Hubert and Sharon Tang created the interactive Art+Science Fusion exhibit at UW Makerspace during their participation in the Marie Christine Kohler Fellowship at the Wisconsin Institute of Discovery (WID).

UW Grad Students Integrate Robotics into Work

INTEGRATE is a new unique, interdisciplinary program in WID that can train graduate students to consider both the technical and societal challenges of introducing robots into the workplace. 

Connecting Climate Change and the Soil-Loss Crisis

Climate Change Coalition of Door County is focusing on soil during its 10th-anniversary celebration, The World We Make and is excited to have Dr. Handelsman as the event’s guest and speaker on September 20th n Bailey's Harbor, WI. She will talk about soil's role as a powerful carbon reducer, sustainable farming policies and practices to reduce soil erosion.

Computational tool helps uncover gene networks of cell fate

New computation tools described in a recent study published in Nature Communications, may provide key insights that will aid researchers to construct a more precise view of what drives cellular identity. “We are trying to understand the causal mechanisms of how cells transition from one state, e.g., a pluripotent state to a more differentiated state, e.g. a skin or nerve cell and vice versa. We want to know how different normal cell types emerge and what might lead to cells becoming aberrant.” says Sushmita Roy. To gain such an understanding “we are developing computational tools that can integrate large-scale molecular profiles measured for each individual cell in a population of thousands of cells to define these GRNs” says Roy.



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