WID Seminar Series: Solis=Lemus Lab, with introduction by Kris Sankaran

3rd Floor Orchard View Room, Discovery Building (Also offered online)

Statistical and Computational Challenges in Phylogenetic Inference. Join us Jan. 31 at 10:00AM, to catch the latest research in computational challenges in phylogenetic inference with the folks in Clauda Solis-Lemus group. Light refreshments available, and zoom option is in the link. CONTACT: 316-4511, lredeagle@wisc.edu URL: https://wid.wisc.edu ONLINE: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/99118056184

Indigenous Language Table

Discovery Building 330 North Orchard Street, Madison

Open Language Table for Indigenous Languages. Most Wednesdays on the first floor of the Discovery Building and hosted by the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery ID Hub in Room 1145. An Indigenous Language Table is designed to enable language learners to develop spoken language skills outside of the classroom setting, build …