NSF Grant Takes Scientific Approach to Public Engagement with Science

A grant from the National Science Foundation will help a team of researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison discover the factors that contribute to successful public engagement with science endeavors. In particular, the team is interested in learning what motivations and experiences mold the profiles of scientists who engage successfully with the public.

WSJ: ‘Who Owns Science?’ Wisconsin Science Festival Panel Explores Culture, Representation

university faculty and students, politicians and indigenous advocates discussed representation and inclusion in science at the panel moderated by Rabiah Mayas, associate director of Northwestern University’s Science in Society research center.

WID Hubs Launch at Illuminating Connections Event

WID’s new hubs—Data Science, Multi-Omics, and Illuminating Discovery—represent a new path forward for collaborative research projects and fields.

Wisconsin Public Television and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Announce the Timothy William Trout Education Innovation Lab

Gift of $2.1 million from Dr. Monroe and Sandra Trout creates partnership among Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, Morgridge Institute for Research, UW-Madison School of Education, and Wisconsin Public Television